Berkley High School
Building Dreams and Engineering Futures
Our Robot:
DBR Ursa Major, 247R-21


Week 3: BUILD
As Week 3 progresses, the team begins to manufacture parts for the robot. Though quite a few flaws were spotted, almost all of them were caught in pre-production, and the robot is slightly behind schedule on our Week 4 deadline to have a robot ready for the programming subteam.

This week was especially troublesome. We were unable to work for three days due to quite literally Antarctic conditions, and this made for quite a bit of work on the days we were able to. Despite the delays, our robot is coming along nicely, and we anticipate having a fully-functional A-Bot (nicknamed Ursa Major) by the end of the week.

As we approach the end of build season, the build room becomes a frantic mess as we put the finishing touches on our robot. So much has been accomplished in these past few weeks, and it will all be finished by this next Tuesday, the Nineteenth of February.

Week 6, Part 1

The last week of build season is one of the most trying periods for the members of any team. As the robot passes from the build team to the programmers, new issues are found. In fact, we found out our elevator system's lifting mechanism had suffered a serious engineering casualty: The gears failed to mesh at one point, leaving the assembly motionless. Despite this, our robot will be ready for competition by midnight on Bag Day.

Week 6, Part 2: BAG
As we move into the final weekend of build season, the build room turns into a mass of activity. We work until midnight every day, until the robot is finally finished. On the final day of build season, the robot is placed into a special bag, made for the purpose of preventing tampering during the weeks between the last day of build and our first competition.

Belleville Competition
At our first competition, we placed 23rd out of 40 teams, and earned the Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox™ for our camera systems. We hope to improve on our performance in our next competition!

2019 Da Bears Robotics Season
Like last year, we gathered our family and friends to watch the live game reveal. Once we learned the goals of the game, we got to work thinking of a robot idea.

Build Season
Week 1: PLAN
For Week 1, our team worked to figure out which aspects of the game were considered important, figure out the many ways of doing those tasks, and choosing which of the methods worked best.

Week 2: DESIGN
Over the course of Week 2, team members worked tirelessly (sometimes all night) to take the ideas from Week 1 and make them a reality -- but not before each and every aspect of the robot was meticulously planned out and any errors were found. Many were, but the team is ready to begin production of parts by the end of the week.