Berkley High School
Building Dreams and Engineering Futures
2018 Da Bears Robotics Season
Our Robot Claw'd

We open up our build room to family and friends and gather to watch the live stream event! We then begin brainstorming what we want to do with our robot!

Build Season
We worked hard for 6 weeks and to bring about Claw'd

Bag Night
Our team members put in hundreds of hours during our 6 weeks and our last night we stay till midnight to bag our robot and send it off to our first competition.

Miami Valley Competition
At our first competition, we placed rank 13th. We were recruited to the 5th alliance and were eliminated in the quarterfinals.

Belleville Competition
At our second competition we placed rank 18th and were recruited by the 8th seat alliance. Our underdog alliance went up against the first alliance in quarterfinals and we pulled out a close victory in a tiebreaker. We moved on to semi-finals, but were eliminated.

Marysville Competition
During our journey at our 3rd competition, we placed rank 11th. We became the 8th seat alliance captain. We fought hard and were eliminated in the quarterfinals.

Worlds Competition

After a lot of hard work, our team made it to worlds! It was held in Detroit this year so we were on our own turf. We fought hard and had a lot of time competing against the best teams from around the world. We placed 37th in our division, but sadly did not proceed further than that.